
the china recall: don’t believe the hype

consider this: the US has a multi-billion dollar trade deficit with china. add to that the fact that china has had a ban on american beef since the mad cow “epidemic” and you have what is shaping up to be quite an interesting exercise in the US media and government propaganda machine.

for the past month i have listened to and read countless stories about the chinese recalls and the lack of safety standards there, etc. etc. etc. meanwhile, US companies continue to outsource jobs to countries where the cost of labor is cheaper. this could get very ugly. what better way to force china to lift it’s ban on beef and bring jobs back to the US where it’s “safe” than to begin a scare campaign against the “made in china” label. i mean hey, it worked with iraq! they didn’t even have weapons, and just the implication that they might, that the “smoking gun might be a mushroom cloud” was enough to send this country into a fear induced tizzy that is now a trillion dollar failed war.

china makes 70 percent of the world’s toys. of the hundreds of millions of dollars in sales, a nine million dollar recall is not even a drop in the bucket. think about that. there have been MUCH larger recalls from american made toys (i will need to research and cite here but i don’t have time to do so right now). not to mention that the latest recall of the magnet based polly pocket etc. has nothing to do with the manufacturing and EVERYTHING to do with the engineering and design. where was it designed? the US. so we should blame china for building to spec? the last time I checked, the law didn’t work that way.

i am so tired of people not thinking and just buying into any and everything just because it was on the news. i for one, am NOT buying into the propaganda machine. my beef is not with china, i’ll leave that to the cattle industry.

great buys

sometimes, there are perks and benefits to being a woman of color in arizona. typically, I go to COSTCO with a preset list so that I do not get sucked into bulk buying (i chuckle every time i think of the bernie mac episode) but sometimes you see an item that is just too sweet a deal to pass up. today, on my monthly pilgrimage to COSTCO, i saw such an item:

what made it such an incredible buy?? i will leave it to you to spot the pricing differential…

it’s been too long

since last i wrote a post. i try not to do this too often, but i am about to discriminate. if you are sensitive about weight, DO NOT READ THIS POST. i am about to go on a rant.

for some reason while cruising youtube last night, i came accross a video of american idol jordin sparks being heavily criticized about her weight on fox news by meme roth. in keeping with that theme, this morning on npr, i heard a story about retailers attempting to capitalize on the rapidly growing market for the obese dollar. 2/3 of the american adult population is considered to be clinically over weight…

now i don’t think that meme roth was reasonable in attacking jordin (i think she’s adorable and well within the confines of manageble weight), however, i am a strong advocate for healthy lifestyle choices and accountability. i do not like obesity. i do not mean pleasantly plump, i am talking “big medicine” heavy. the morbidly obese, excessively overweight, requiring 2 seats on a plane and a walker to get out of bed in the morning. this is an epedimic.

what i want to know is: at what point does a person wake up 400 pounds overweight? that doesn’t just creep up on you overnight. it takes years. the site caters to those with weight problems so severe that they need special aids, such as the $80 toe nail clippers that extend so you don’t have to , $300 heavy duty 500 lb capacity scale, and the list goes on.

i am not saying that overwieght people do not deserve to have a market that caters to them, but when i am eating healthy, working out, and paying ridiculous health insurance premiums for other people’s bad habits, i have a right to say “put down that burger and take a walk around the block!” sadly by that time, they might need a crane to get up. yes i sound like an insensitive ass, and i will admit that this is one area where i have very little sympathy. i hate that we coddle people so much in this country. china just executed their ex-food and drug safety chief for taking bribes in exchange for approving unsafe medicine, how’s that for accountability?? and no, i don’t want to live in china, but we can’t even send a liar to jail (well, aside from lil kim).

when will we stop blaming everyone else for our shortcomings and start owing our mistakes…and their consequences. there is no fat pill that will zap 300 pounds, gastric bypass is not a cure for bad eating habits, and liposuction will not prevent your fat thighs from getting fat again. lord help me if see another promise to lose 30 lbs in 30 days, did it take you 30 days to put it on? in the words of the great Al Bundy “It’s not the dress that makes you look fat, it’s the FAT that makes you look fat!” so maybe mo’nique was right, maybe skinny b*tches are evil, but being overweight is just not healthy, no matter how happy you are with being big and beautiful.

the little things

i am a people watcher. not in a creepy way that makes someone feel uncomfortable, moreso an observatory way that is not intrusive. i especially enjoy couples. the subtle intimacy of two people who share a romantic interest makes me smile.

today while i was eating lunch, i saw one such couple. i noticed them when they walked in. they had an aura of positive energy. they passed my table when they were being seated. i liked how the man placed his hand (ever so lightly) on the small of the woman’s back to guide her toward the table, pulling her chair out as though it were second nature. their lunch was a series of these familiar exchanges and i found myself drawn to the comfort of their interaction. i think it was the implied history that intruiged me. knowing that they’d grown accustom to the rythm of one another’s speech– the space between words, inevitable pauses, the punctuation of a smile. He silently predicting that she would order the same thing, just like she always did every time they came to this restaurant, even though she always said she would try something new. She anticipating the exact moment when he would systematically clean each utensil with the extra napkin that she knew he would ask the waitress for. things they could only know because they knew each other.

these moments in life are my secret pleasures. the daddy who lovingly brushes a stray hair from his baby girl’s cheek. two friends giggling as a look that only they can interperet passes between them. in this cold world of strangers, i search for glimpses of humanity. the couple in the restaurant did not speak english, but love needs no interpreter. with the constant barrage of negativity it is easy to forget how much good still exists, it’s what keeps me grounded. no matter what storms rage externally, to quote india arie, “ain’t nothin in the whole wide world like the peace that i have found, in the little things, and the joy they bring.”

peace and love to you all — gary bartz.

the resurrection

as this easter sunday comes to a close, i find myself deep in thought. as a child, i saw a re-enactment of the crucifiction that haunted me for years. i didn’t understand what was going on, and that night, i had an awful dream that the Roman’s were coming to crucify me. i have since developed an understanding of the meaning of easter. now, i think about rebirth. this easter, i have seen the resilliance of love. despite the baggage that we accumulate from one relationship to the next, people can sometimes overcome themselves in order to truly experience happiness. i am appreciative of the lesson, i am thankful for profound realizations, and i am hopeful that time really does heal all wounds.

you know you’re ghetto when…

this morning, i was driving to work, and i heard an interview on NPR about a new book out called ghetto nation:a journey into the land of bling and home of the shameless. it immediately rubbed me the wrong way. why? because it reminded me of a party invite i’d received:Wine and Cheese Party!

I can’t figure out voting buttons on this one, but I’d really like your opinion on whether or not this will be “Traditional” or “Non-Traditional” (a.k.a. “Ghetto”). “Traditional” will be dress-up (semi-casual?) and “Non-Traditional” will be dress-down ghetto style. Whichever has the most votes will be the one we do. (There’s also a floating suggestion of “Ghetto Wine & Cheese”, which entails boxed wine, Boone’s Farm, Velveeta cheese, Kraft singles, if that’s what you prefer.) I’ll update all the “Accepts/Tentatives” next week once this has been figured out.

To which i replied:

Good afternoon all,

Let me preface this by saying that I am sure no harm was meant by this email, however, I feel the need to respond because I was somewhat offended by it. The use of the term “ghetto” is typically inferring “black” or more appropriately the ignorant stereotypes perpetuated by mainstream media that have come to be widely accepted as being representative of what it means to be “black,” and as a conscious African American woman, I would prefer that these ideas, thoughts and notions are not allowed to be continually spread. Some may think that I am overreacting, however, when you read “dress-down ghetto style” what exactly is implied? What you have seen in music videos is not representative of who we are as a people and to caricature that stereotype is no better than the performers who wore black face in the day of the minstrel show. It is time that people start to be aware of their words and think about what may seem harmless and fun, and how that may be perceived by people of another culture/race, etc. Furthermore, to describe the type of food associated as “ghetto”…” Boone’s Farm, Velveeta cheese, Kraft singles” all things associated as low class, cheap, and tacky, I was just disappointed.

I have to reiterate that I am sure that no one on this list had any bad intentions whatsoever, however, that is when it is most dangerous/hurtful, because it was completely unintentional. Thanks for listening, I mean no offense, I just felt it necessary to call it on the carpet.

a friend of mine summed up my feelings on the issue perfectly when he said:

Aside from the obviously polarizing juxtaposition of the term ghetto and
the stigma of sophitication associated with a damn wine tasting, they make said
class bias even more obvious when coupling the term ghetto with non-traditional
and name dropping obviously unfitting brands for a wine tasting.

During the interview, the author gave the following examples for “ghetto”:

  • naming your child after your favorite brand name product “lexus, cartier, etc.”
  • adding ‘ed’ to words that are already conjugated properly such as ‘tasteded’

She proceeded to describe a portion of her research where she “went to malls and talked with teenagers about what it meant to be ghetto” and went on to state that ghetto is not race, or class specific, “martha stuart and paris hilton can be just as ghetto as lil kim or nelly, ghetto is a state of mind.” she described it as “the glorification of the negative or underwhelming.” she then went on to relate the tale of a young boy she had seen who just looked “different” from the other children in a brooklyn ghetto, and ignorant to the clothing trends, she couldn’t quite place what it was, and it turned out that the boy was “poor and his parents were living within their means, you don’t see that a lot.” i could go on and on about this interview, but you should just listen to it yourself and be the judge. i feel like ms. daniels got it all wrong, but then again, maybe i should read the book.

finally…a Black disney princess

About a month ago, I sent an email out to some friends of mine:

Thought this was really interesting, a friend sent it, and for me, I thought of the wildly popular Barbie movies that have been put out that my neice loves so much, but there are never any princesses of color. makes me that much more determined to make Black children feel beautiful by presenting them with positive reinforcement and images of themselves that say they are good and worthwhile, and matter.

and followed up to a friend of mine who knows some local media:

i have decided that i want to write a letter to mattel, but i want someone there who actually matters to read it. how to do this…how to make a company recognize the importance of representing everyone? there has to be a way to get some sort of media attention…but how? where? do we know anyone in the news who can make a story about it and tie in to the brown vs. board and this new documentary? i mean mattel has HUGE distribution and those barbie videos are everywhere! they make a span of barbies in the color wheel, but none of those dolls ever get to be main characters in the movies…not even bit parts.

so imagine my shock and happiness when i saw this story on cnn:

wow. as a child, it was my dream to be an animator, i used to draw books of animated characters and wanted to send them to disney, and it always broke my heart that year after year and movie after movie, there were never any princesses who looked like me. i am happy today.

what you won’t do (for love)

there are very few things in this life worth driving one-thousand miles in depends so you don’t have to stop for a bathroom break, but apparently, love is one of them. in hearing the story of lisa marie novak, i couldn’t help but to wonder just what makes us cross that delicate line from in love to crazy.

i will be the first to admit that i have done some very embarrassing things “in the name of love,” but i am going to go out on a limb and say that none of them could ever be considered de-ranged. there are countless movies made about people who have transitioned (from in love to crazy): sleeping with the enemy, the babysitter, and my all time favorite fatal attraction , to name only a few.

i have this theory about lies and expectations. we lie to ourselves about what we really want in order to lower our expectations and avoid being hurt. we think that if we tell our lie enough, that eventually, it will become the truth. we may even believe it, but usually, we are only fooling ourselves. that’s the thing about denial, everyone else can see what’s going on. i think that people snap because the lie is confronted with a truth so undeniable that all of the buried emotions surface, and they don’t know how to handle it. not everyone is crazy enough to drive cross country to kidnap someone, but we all try to regain control in some way. we go on a diet, change our clothes, cut our hair, move, get a new job…anything that gives us the power over a situation to combat the area in our lives where we feel inept and helpless.

honesty is the best policy. i think that once we have accepted the situation, and the fact that we may have no control over it, we are less likely to have an adverse reaction…well, unless you were just crazy to begin with, and then, drugs. drugs, a white coat, and very nice people will show you to your room.

bad advertising

a friend of mine had this photo in one of thier albums, and i thought…this has to be a joke, right? he’s from california so my assumption is that the sign is depicting “caution! illegal immigrants.”
for whatever reason, this brought to mind the old taco bell ad campaigns where the catchy “make a ruuuuun for the border!” jingle used to play at the close of each commercial. HOW did they get away with that???? i think that taco bell has single handedly had the most culturally insensitive advertising campaigns ever, and yet, i don’t ever recall there being much backlash…i mean, remember the talking chihuahua with the accent? terrible.

there is nothing to fear…

but fear itself. a friend of mine recently told me something that i didn’t want to hear. and at the close of the conversation, the question posed was: “what are you so afraid of?”

at the time, i was aggravated, i felt like that was a question that didn’t appropriately address what i was feeling, but in retrospect, it was a question that i needed to answer for myself. WHAT is it that i was so afraid of? change. i will admit that i am a creature of habit, and though i make small changes frequently, big changes are hard to come by, and are usually spurred by some external catalyst. so the question that i am asking myself in the new year is “what are you waiting for?”

it seems that i wait and wait for things in my life to happen, but why wait? as cliche as it may sound, tomorrow is not promised, and all too often, all that is really holding us is fear. so what’s the worst that could happen, i mean, if i don’t die, i’m still here to keep on living (obviously) so why not LIVE! that is my profound schpiel for 2007. i am not afraid anymore. bring on the change, i suppose the worst it can do is kill me 😉